Quiz: Why Do We Need Endodontic Treatment?

Endodontic FAQsHave you ever heard of endodontics? Also known as root canal therapy, endodontic treatment allows a dentist to repair and restore an infected or abscessed tooth. Unfortunately, this common procedure has gained quite a bad reputation over the years. Despite the rumors and exaggerations, endodontic treatment can return your tooth to full function and health.

Park Ridge Endodontics Quiz

1. True or False: A toothache may be a warning sign of an infection.

2. True or False: Without endodontic treatment, you could lose the tooth.

3. True or False: Root canal therapy is a safe and comfortable procedure.

4. True or False: Following an endodontic procedure, your Park Ridge dentist will place a crown on your tooth.

Answer Key

1. True. The most common symptoms of an infected or abscessed tooth are toothaches, tooth sensitivity, sharp pain when biting down, fever, or a foul tasting discharge.

2. True. When you develop a cavity, the decay will continue to spread, eventually reaching the pulp. The pulp acts as the nerve center of your teeth, overseeing the flow of blood and nutrients to and from the tooth. When bacteria reach the pulp, the pulp can die, effectively killing the tooth. Soon, the infection can pose a threat to surrounding teeth. The only option at this stage is extraction.

3. True. During a root canal, Dr. Maria or Thanasi Loukas will open your tooth and remove the infected tissue. The tooth canals will then be cleaned and disinfected and filled with a special restorative material.

4. True. The crown will act as a cap, covering the visible portion of your tooth. The crown protects the remaining tooth structure and prevents further infection or decay. Often, we will place an esthetically pleasing porcelain crown.

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