Five Important Benefits of Teeth Bonding

Sometimes, your smile doesn’t need much to improve its appearance. A small chip on your tooth, a stubborn stain, or maybe a dental restoration that mars your tooth’s appearance, can often be rectified with a small amount of white composite resin. Known as teeth bonding or a white filling (depending on how it’s used), composite… Read more »

The Perfect Excuse to Eat Chocolate

It’s been a rough day…it’s your birthday…you haven’t eaten it in, like, forever, and you deserve it…it’s Valentine’s Day season…There are a million and one (and infinitely more) excuses for indulging in chocolate, but wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t need to excuse your cravings? With the revelation that chocolate might actually be good… Read more »

Is Your Mouth Hungry?

Your mouth requires a steady supply of fuel to remain strong and healthy. Most people are aware that a well-balanced diet can help them effectively manage their health and weight, but what constitutes a healthy diet for your teeth and gums? Luckily, many of the same nutrients that make any diet healthy. For instance, calcium… Read more »

Gum Disease’s Connection to American Heart Month

The effects of gum disease are farther-reaching than some people realize. In varying degrees, the disease affects about 70% of America’s adult population. In its most severe form, gum disease is also the leading cause of adult tooth loss. However, numerous studies have shown that the mechanisms behind gum disease can prove a significant risk… Read more »

What Do You Want from Your Smile Makeover?

At some point, you may consider options for improving your smile through one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures. After all, your smile’s a dominant part of your appearance, and it’s natural to want it took as attractive as possible. With a wide array of treatment options, Dr. Maria and Dr. Thanasi Loukas can help you… Read more »

What is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge’s purpose is just as it sounds; it connects two teeth by spanning the empty space between them, caused by one or more missing teeth. As one of the most popular dental restorations available today, the dental bridge has helped countless patients regain the ability to bite and chew properly, and smile with… Read more »

How to Treat Gum Disease

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects over half of the adult population in the United States. It results from bacteria overwhelming your oral tissues and manipulating your immune system’s inflammatory response. Swelling is a natural response to inflammation, and when controlled, can help drive out harmful microorganisms before infection… Read more »

The Social Complexities of Smiling

In any language, a smile is a generally understood symbol of mirth, gladness, and friendship. As a language in its own right, however, smiling indicates much more than just joy. Your smile is a subtle, yet powerful, social tool that conveys specific messages your words simply can’t express. From trust to confidence, the complexities of… Read more »

Does Your Smile Shine for the Wrong Reasons?

Sure, your smile should shine, but you might prefer it be due to the bright, blemish-free surfaces of your teeth rather than metal clashing with their pearly-white color. After cleaning a cavity (a hole in your tooth created by a bacterial infection), Dr. Maria or Dr. Thanasi Loukas can fill the tooth with a manmade… Read more »

Why Should You Choose Dental Implants?

Replacing your lost teeth is the only way to restore your ability to bite and chew, and modern prosthetic dentistry offers a number of choices for rebuilding your smile. However, dental implants are the only restorations that can replace your lost teeth’s roots and the functions they provide that help preserve your smile’s integrity. Made from… Read more »